
Split: Birthday Celebration Away from Home

Birthdays are always special – and even more so if you like Niklas are turning nine years-old and celebrating away from home for the first time!

When we first discussed taking time off to travel with Niklas and Frederik, one of their immediate questions was if they would be away from home on their birthdays and if they would get any gifts? Their relief was great once reassured that you can celebrate your birthday no matter where in the world you are – and that there would still be gifts.

The Birthday Schedule

Niklas was the first to have his birthday come up on September 5 during our stay in Croatia. More specifically, we were in Postrana, a suburb of Split, and stayed in an Airbnb apartment with ocean view and a heated pool, meaning the kids spent hours and hours in the pool!

Niklas had spent a lot of time considering what he wanted to do on the day and came up with a clear schedule: We had to wake him up at 8am while singing Happy Birthday and would then have a decorated breakfast table where he could also open his gifts. Luckily, my mom had arrived from Copenhagen two weeks earlier which he took as a certain sign that she had bought all his presents and had them in her big suitcase (as it is of course not possible to buy presents anywhere else😊). Following breakfast, he wanted to play with his gifts, go to the pool, go for a run and then in the evening go for dinner at a pizzeria. He did have the option of choosing additional activities or trips, but he really wanted a quieter day where he had time to do the things he like.

Homemade Cake from an Airbnb Kitchen

Another of Niklas’ wishes was to have a homemade chocolate cake on this birthday as we normally always bake for the guests, who come to visit when we celebrate at home. While baking a cake is not a problem, baking a cake in a kitchen with limited utensils, pots and pans is a challenge!

On the evening before his birthday, we set out to bake a cake. We found a pot where we could mix the dough and instead of an electric whisk, we found an old-fashioned hand whisk. We had no scale or measurement cup but found a 2cl wine glass to use for fluid ingredients, a spoon for baking powder and other ingredients were added based on eyesight. Luckily, the Airbnb apartment did have an oven so we could actually bake the cake (this is not to be taken for granted considering some of the other places we have stayed😊)!

Surprisingly, the result actually looked like a real cake – and once Niklas tried it the next day is also tasted like a cake (although a bit dry😊).

Pizza with a View

The day went exactly as Niklas had imagined – morning singing (not sure if that is a pleasure but at least it is a tradition), breakfast with unwrapping of gifts (which met his wishes!), a 3km run on the beach and extensive time at the pool (having his birthday in September and living in Northern Europe, this was the first time he enjoyed pool weather on his birthday).

In the evening, we went to a local pizzeria at the beach with beautiful views of the water and mountains. We had reserved in advance and got a table at the dock with a stunning view of the sunset. So all in all, while celebrating away from home and not being able to invite family or friends to come celebrate with him, Niklas had a great birthday and still mention this as the key highlight for him on our trip so far!

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One Comment

  1. Lieber Niklas,
    danke für Deine beiden Karten. Ich habe mich riesig gefreut über die Karten.
    Meine Mama hat mir im Atlas gezeigt, wo Du bist und ich habe Deine Karten in der Schule gezeigt und von uns erzählt.
    Als ich Deine Karten bekommen haben, habe ich über die schönen Orte gestaunt.
    Alles Gute nachträglich zu Deinem Geburtstag.
    Mir geht es gut, in zwei Wochen beginnen unsere Herbstferien.
    Ich freue mich auf Deine nächste Karte, viel Spaß in Neapel und beim Vulkan. Viele Grüße von meiner Mama an Deine ganze Familie
    Dein Arno

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